By Tedy ErL
Mesothelioma is very similar to other cancers in relation to treatment. Mesothelioma patients have three mesothelioma treatment options:
1. Surgery,
2. Chemotherapy, and
3. Radiotherapy(radiation).
These treatments are typically communicate with each other to ensure effective treatment.
We start from mesothelioma treatment options of surgery. The surgery can be performed on mesothelioma patients to either enchance their quality of life or attempt to cure their disease.
The most common procedures performed by the expert is Plurectomy. In Plurectomy procedure, the patient's chest layer removed. A similar procedure is known as extra pleural pneumonectomy that involves removing the lining of the chest, hemi diaphragm, pericardium and pleura. Mesothelioma treatment options surgery alone usually can not cure the disease mesothelioma. But if surgery is combined with post-operative treatments, like radiation and chemotherapy, possibility of the patient's life much better.
Switch to the next mesothelioma treatment options Chemotherapy. Important to know that only with chemotherapy alone can’t cure mesothelioma, as well as surgery. Mesothelioma treatment options Chemotherapy is usually given in pill or injection form. Patients with mesothelioma usually injected in areas where the disease is located. Both of these drugs are usually given to patients who are known as pemetrexed and cisplatin patients. These drugs are known to cause negative side effects such as nausea and vomiting. This is one of the main reasons why many patients who do not choose to receive chemotherapy treatment.
Latest treatments available today is Radiotherapy (radiation). Mesothelioma Treatment Options Radiation is a good choice for patients who are less able to deal with mesothelioma with chemotherapy and surgical treatment. Radiation, like the two previous treatments, only with this treatment alone can not cure mesothelioma. Radiation is more a palliative treatment, which only reduce the symptoms of mesothelioma. Most patients undergoing external beam radiotherapy given in a few weeks. In order to get maximum results, it would be wise for some patients undergoing these three treatments, for hope of recovery. Only these remedies are only making life easier for patients. But the combination of these treatments potentially eliminate the cancer of mesothelioma.